Arkkitehti etsii töitä / Architect is looking for a job

👋 Hei,

🙋‍♂️ Olen valmistunut arkkitehti, joka on suorittanut Oulun yliopiston arkkitehtisuunnittelun maisterintutkinnon. Olen luova, utelias ja tavoitteellinen arkkitehti. Olen taitava arkkitehtonisessa suunnittelussa ja nykyarkkitehtuurissa, erityisesti asuintalojen ja julkisten kulttuurirakennusten suunnittelussa. Pystyn helposti sopeutumaan uusiin tehtäviin ja ympäristöihin. Olen tiimihenkinen ihminen, joka pystyy työskentelemään tehokkaasti tiimiympäristöissä. ja minulla on hyvät itsenäisen työskentelyn taidot. Olen erittäin motivoitunut työskentelemään alalla ja kehittämään taitojani.
I believe that with my education, experiences, strong digital skills, and personal interests i can easily adapt into new environments.

🌇 I’m passionate about residential architecture. During my studies, the main subject was Contemporary architecture at mixed-use, public, and residential projects. I have deepened my professional knowledge and skills while working in Netherlands. I have been involved in several projects focused on urban renewal of residential building and a façade design of a residential building as well as some different types of public building projects (Cultural Center, Sports Hall, City hall projects).

🎓 My master’s degree thesis was a multifunctional housing-related project. I designed a mixed-use building in Oulu which was combined with a youth center and a residential housings. The goal of the design for mix-used areas would attract the youth and at the same time wouldn’t overlap this public use with the private function of the residential area.

🌠 All these have broadened my skills in architectural design and allowed me to advance my digital skills. I believe I am proficient in using ArchiCAD, Adobe Programs and Microsoft Office. Through my studies and professional experience, I’ve also developed strong team player and decision-making skills, I also managed several projects concurrently, and proven my facility to interact with people from diverse backgrounds.

💎 Being a fast learner and highly motivated person, I’m convinced that I will be a valuable addition to the architecture offices. I hope to be given a chance, as I’m confident that I’m capable of meeting and even exceeding your expectations.

📝 I am looking for an architect job, therefore I dont have any preferences on the term or type of the contract since my main goal right now is to gain more experience and show my skills and capabilities. I am open for any other positions from full-time to parttime or also internships that can fit within my resume in an architectural firm.
If you have any possible positions for me or feedback don’t hesitate to contact me, I am both available by phone and email.

Thank you for your time and hopefully I was able to get your interest.

Kiitos ja ystävällisin terveisin,
Hüseyin Tahir Oyanik
🤙 p. 0 41 312 0 333


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