SATO – Responsible Building for Future
Sisäänjättö: 1.1.2015

Sisäänjättö: 1.1.2015
SATOn 75-vuotisjuhlavuoden arkkitehtuurikilpailu
The purpose of the competition was to prepare an architecturally high-quality design for residential buildings which fits in its location.
Another objective was to develop innovative housing solutions and identify new perspectives in the design of housing of the future.
The competition’s specific theme concerned sustainable housing. The agencies invited to the competition were challenged to consider the significance of sustainability from the viewpoints of present and future challenges and opportunities.
Risto Huttunen, architect SAFA
Santeri Lipasti, architect SAFA
Pekka Pakkanen, architect SAFA
Matias Saresvuo, architect SAFA
Satoshi Ohtaki, student of architecture
Mikael Saurén, student of architecture
Mikko Tanneraho, architect SAFA
Uula Kohonen, architect SAFA
Essi Wallenius, architect SAFA
Magdalena Jezkova, student of architecture
Landscape architects
Maisema-arkkitehtitoimisto Maanlumo Ltd
Krista Muurinen, landscape architect MARK
Aapo Pihkala, student of landscape architecture
Mikko Vekkeli, student of landscape architecture
Maisema-arkkitehtitoimisto Sumu Ltd
Leena Buller, landscape architect MARK
Reinhard Kropf
Mariana Calvete
Guillermo Ramírez
Mads Baj Engedal
Edoardo Paoletti
Ana Tori
Partners-responsible architects
Bolle Tham
Martin Videgård
Project architect
Stina Johansson
Design team
Jonas Tjäder
Mia Nygren
Johannes Brattgård
Mårten Nettelbladt
Pave Mikkonen
Marttiina Vierimaa
Antti Rautio
Riikka Takalo
Päivi Tiitto
Pekka Tuominen
Sanna Pääkkönen
Sami Kylli
Tommi Heinonen, landscape architect MARK,
/VSU maisema-arkkitehdit Ltd
Petri Hyyppä, data center, fiber and Green IT specialist,
/Proceed Consulting Ltd
Matias Meskanen, HVAC planner,
/LVI -insinööritoimisto Meskanen
Risto Linnakangas, HVAC planner,
/Insinööritoimisto Linnakangas Risto Ltd
Samuli Naamanka, interior designer and environmental planner
Design team
Bjarne Mastenbroek, designer, SeARCH director
Andrea Verdecchia, architect, project leader
Teresa Avella, architect
Andrea Levorato, junior architect
Ruta Beniusyte, architectural assistant
Laura Alvarez, renders
Made by Mistake, model
Creative authorship
Julien De Smedt, Architect MAA,
Bartlett School of Architecture, Londres, UK – founder & director
Yuval Zohar, M. Architect,
University of Maryland, USA, project leader
Mateusz Góra, Dipl.-Ing. M. Arch.,
Faculty of Architecture Wroclaw University of Technology, PL
Bartlomiej Zaboj, Dipl.-Ing. M. Arch.,
Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, PL
Edgar Rodríguez, M. Architect,
Universidad La Salle, Mexico City, MX
Bruno De Veth, Architect,
La Cambre/Horta, Brussels, BE
Heidi Bosteels, Interior architect,
Lessius, Mechelen, BE
Alessia Tricarico, Architect,
La Sapienza, Facoltà di Atchitettura, Roma, IT
Kilpailuun kutsutut toimistot
– Archeus (FI)
– Helen & Hard (NO)
– Huttunen Lipasti Pakkanen Architects (FI)
– JDS / Julien De Smeds Architects (DK, BE, CN)
– Tham & Videgård Arkitekter (SE)
Kilpailijoiden valitsema palkintolautakunnan jäsen
Anna Brunow