UK withdrawal from the European Union

The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.
A Transition Period was agreed, running from 31 January 2020 to 31 December 2020 – during which time, the UK and the EU are negotiating the terms of a Free Trade Agreement which should cover, amongst other things, provisions for mobility and the provision of professional services.
While Directive 2005/36/EC on the Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications (MRPQ) will no longer apply from 1 January 2021, the arrangements currently set out in this Directive continue to apply until the end of the Transition Period – including provisions for automatic recognition, recognition under the general system and temporary or occasional provision of services.
From 1 January 2021
Therefore, UK architects thinking of registering in one of the 27 EU Member States – and EU27 architects thinking of registering in the UK – are advised to initiate the procedure before 31 December and ideally as soon as possible if they wish to benefit from current arrangements. All those seeking to register in the EU27 or the UK are advised to check national application requirements in the host state and ensure that all relevant documents and certificates are available prior to making an application.
Applications submitted after 1 January 2021
Implications for the recognition, in the UK, of holders of EEA/Swiss qualifications
Implications for the recognition, in EU27, of holders of UK qualifications
For further information please consult:
– the Architects’ Registration Board (ARB)
– for ARB information on EU Exit
– to contact ARB for advice:
– the website of the European Commission on free movement of professionals
– the website of the Architects’ Council of Europe for contact details of its Member Organisations
(1) For recognition procedures that are on-going on withdrawal date, the “Joint report from the negotiators of the EU and the UK Government on progress during phase 1 of negotiations under Article 50 TEU on the UK’s orderly withdrawal from the EU: establishes that, in respect of persons covered in that report, these recognition procedures will be completed under Union law (para. 32).