New Delegates Council of SAFA to be elected in spring

The election for the Delegates Council of the Finnish Association of Architects SAFA (“Liittovaltuustovaalit” in Finnish) will take place in April-May. 28 members and 3 student members will be elected to the Delegates Council. Under the current rules, the term of office of the members of the Delegates Council is three years and the new Delegates Council will take office in June 2025.
The Delegates Council has the supreme decision-making power in SAFA. The Delegates Council decides where SAFA’s activities are directed, what its priorities are and how the Association’s funds are used.
The language of SAFA’s meetings is Finnish, but the main part of the communication materials will be translated into English within the limits of resources.
If you are interested in developing SAFA’s activities, please stand as a candidate! Candidates may be nominated by constituency associations with at least six members with voting rights. These persons sign the list of candidates, which must be submitted to the Election Committee,, by 16.00 on 10 March 2025. Click here to download the list of candidates form.
Check out all the constituency associations here (in Finnish)!
Student members have their own constituency, so they set up their own constituency associations. Students cannot stand for election in ordinary members’ constituency associations. Student constituency associations declare their candidates on this list of candidates.
A member of the Association is entitled to vote in the election if they have been admitted as a member or student member no later than the Board meeting on 29 January 2025 and have not lost their membership rights after that date.
To vote or stand as a candidate, you must also remember to pay any membership fee arrears from the previous year by 31 January 2025. You can easily check the status of your payments through your mobile membership card, which can also be used to pay membership bills.
31 January 2025: Membership fee arrears must be paid in order to vote and/or stand as a candidate
10 March 2025: Deadline for the constituency associations to send the lists of candidates to the Election Committee
14 April 2025: Lists of candidates published on the SAFA website
28 April to 12 May 2025: Voting
14 May 2025: Election results published on the SAFA website
Questions and enquiries about the elections can be sent by email to or by telephone to the SAFA office, tel. 040 678 3664.
Read more: Election guide for the election of SAFA’s Delegates Council 2025