A new guide to international working life in the field of architecture in Finland has been published

Arvind Ramachandran, an Indian architect based in Helsinki, has written a guide about working life in the field of architecture in Finland.
Ramachandran has a history of helping architects, who have moved from abroad, to get a foothold in the Finnish architecture field. His idea was to compile a Finnish version of the guide for international architects, originally released in Sweden by ETTELVA Arkitekter in 2017.
The guide aims to combine information from different sources to make international working life in the Finnish architecture field easier to navigate, both for newcomers and locals alike.
The Finnish Association of Architects (SAFA) provided Ramachandran with some funding for the project.
“If you have found the guide useful, please share it with others who might benefit. And if you find something that needs correction, any ideas for the next update of the guide, or just want to get in touch, please feel free to email me: arvind@arvind.cc”, Ramachandran says.
You can read the guide here:
A new guide to international working life in the Finnish architecture field