Finland is home to a unique architectural heritage.
From vernacular traditions to art-nouveau, or from human-scaled modernism to high-tech wooden construction, Finnish architecture touches upon all walks of life and plays an integral part in the society.
Finnish architecture is expanding and SAFA is part of the change
By European standards, Finland has a relatively low number of architects per capita. Only three universities in the country currently offer professional degrees in architecture.
However, architecture as a professional field is expanding also in Finland, and an increasing number of international architects are today working in Finnish firms.
For working architects in Finland, membership in SAFA is an important professional credential. The Finnish Association of Architects also works actively with public and private stakeholders and is the most central actor in the field.
Keeping in touch with SAFAs membership services, publications, communications and events is a great way of networking and getting to know the architectural scene in the country.

Finnish architecture on the Internet
Most public and private organisations in Finland offer information, services and programs also in English. Some more information and resources about Finnish architecture and Finnish architectural culture at large is available online at following sources: